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Berkarir secara global: mulai dari mana? // Building a global career: where to start?


Jika kamu tertarik untuk berkarir di sektor pembangunan dan humanitarian dan ingin berkarir secara global, banyak kesempatan yang disediakan instansi global, salah satunya organisasi internasional.

Berkarir di organisasi internasional dapat dimulai dengan banyak cara, seperti dengan magang, menjadi volunteer, dan menjadi profesional muda.

Jika kamu tertarik untuk memulai karir kamu lewat program magang, maka kamu bisa mencari kesempatan magang lewat:

Portal Karir PBB memiliki database untuk program magang yang ditawarkan oleh berbagain departmen dan divisi di Badan Sekretariat PBB. Pilih kategori "Internship" di segmen "Search Job Openings" dan kamu dapat melihat berbagai kesempatan magang (remote dan in-person) yang terbuka. Program magang di PBB biasanya berlangsung selama 3-6 bulan dan terbuka untuk pelajar yang baru lulus dari program studi S2 atau sedang menjalankan studi S2, atau pelajar yang baru lulus dari program studi S1 atau sedang menjalankan tahun terakhir di studi S1.

Selain portal karir PBB, beberapa agensi PBB juga menampilkan posisi magang di karir portal mereka sendiri:

  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

  • United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

  • United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA)

  • United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

  • United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR)

  • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

  • United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact)

Bank Dunia: Program Magang Bank / World Bank: Bank Internship Program

The World Bank also offers internship opportunities that are usually open in two periods: Summer Internship and Winter Internship. The internship program is open to candidates with an undergraduate degree and currently is pursuing a graduate study program.

Perutusan Tetap Republik Indonesia / The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia

Indonesia memiliki tiga perwakilan diplomatik Indonesia di luar negeri yang berstatus sebagai sebuah Perutusan Tetap untuk organisasi multilateral, yaitu PTRI untuk PBB di New York, PTRI untuk PBB di Jenewa dan PTRI untuk ASEAN di Jakarta. Program magang di PTRI biasanya diadakan untuk mahasiswa Indonesia yang sedang menempuh studi di luar negri dan juga di Indonesia. Program magang PTRI diadministrasikan lewat Kementrian Luar Negri.

Kerjasama Kampus / University Partnership

Beberapa kampus juga memiliki kerjasama dengan organisasi internasional untuk melaksanakan program magang yang dapat diikuti oleh para pelajar. Konsultasikan ke kampus kamu apakah ada program kerjasama tersebut.



If you are interested in building your career in the development and humanitarian sector and interested in building a global career, there are many opportunities that are provided by global institutions, such as by international organizations.

You can start your career in international organizations through different entry points, such as by joining an internship, becoming a volunteer, or becoming a young professional.

If you are interested in starting your career with internship program, you can find internship opportunities via:

The UN Career Portal offers a large database of available intern positions in the UN Secretariat and UN System from various departments. Use their Job Openings section and put "Internship" under the Category box. The internship programs in the UN usually run from 3-6 months and are offered to recent graduate or current students enrolled in Master degree or higher, or offered to recent graduates of a first-level university degree program or students in their final year in the first-level university degree program.

Some UN Agencies will post their internship directly on their website:

  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

  • United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

  • United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA)

  • United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

  • United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR)

  • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

  • United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact)

Bank Dunia: Program Magang Bank / World Bank: Bank Internship Program

The World Bank also offers internship opportunities that are usually open in two periods: Summer Internship and Winter Internship. The internship program is open to candidates with an undergraduate degree and currently is pursuing a graduate study program.

Perutusan Tetap Republik Indonesia / The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia

Indonesia has three diplomatic representatives that hold the official status of Permanent Mission for multilateral organizations, which are Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations in New York and Geneva, and the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to ASEAN in Jakarta. The Mission occasionally offers internship opportunities for Indonesian students both studying abroad and in Indonesia administered through Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Kerjasama Kampus / University Partnership

Some universities often partner with international organisations for internship opportunities for their students. Check to your academic center if your university offers such programmes.

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